Google Analytics Certification 기출 문제와 간단한 풀이를 제공합니다.
본 문서에 정리된 다수의 문제들은 ‘모두의 구글애널리틱스4’에서 설명하고 있습니다.
책을 통해 먼저 학습하고 본인이 얼마나 알고 있는지 테스트하는 자료로 사용하시기 바랍니다.

1. Which of the following tools could you use in order to collect and send data from a
mobile app to a Google Analytics 4 property?
(GA4에서 앱 수집은 파이어 베이스를 통해 제작 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.1 GA4의 특징)
★ Firebase SDK
• Google Marketing Platform
• Google Ads
• Website tag
2. You would like to export your Google Analytics data to BigQuery to run queries and ombine some of your offline data with Analytics data. What type of Analytics property can export data to BigQuery?
(빅쿼리로 데이터 전달은 GA4 스탠다드와 GA4 360이 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 1.5 구글 애널리틱스 버전별 비교)
• Only Analytics 360 properties in GA4 or Universal Analytics
★ Standard or Analytics 360 properties using GA4
• Standard or Analytics 360 properties using Universal Analytics
• Only Standard properties in GA4 or Universal Analytics
3. You want to run queries and combine some of your offline data with Analytics data. To do so, you want to export your Google Analytics data to BigQuery.
What Analytics properties are able to export data to BigQuery?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Only Standard properties in GA4 or Universal Analytics
• Only Analytics 360 properties in GA4 or Universal Analytics
• Standard or Analytics 360 properties using Universal Analytics
• Standard or Analytics 360 properties using GA4
4. You collect data or your point-of-sale system that could complement the data you
are sending to Google Analytics from your website and app.
Which of these features allows you to collect and send events directly to Google
Analytics servers?
(구글 애널리틱스 서버로 데이터를 보내는 것은 측정 프로토콜)
• Modify event
★ Measurement Protocol
• HTTP request
• Data import
5. You have many events on your website that are very valuable, like when users purchase items or sign up for your newsletter. You would like to mark these events as important and assign a value to these events when they happen.
What should you mark these events as in your Google Analytics 4 property?
(주요 이벤트로 설정하려면 전환 이벤트를 사용 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 GA4 전환 이벤트)
★ Conversion events
• Custom events
• Goals
• Recommended events
6. If you want to designate these events as important and assign them a value, how should you label these events in your Google Analytics 4 property?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Goals
★ Conversion events
• Recommended events
• Custom events
7. You've just set up an option on your website for your users to sign up for a newsletter. You want to count those new sign-up events as conversions and create an audience for users who signed up.
Which part of your Google Analytics 4 property lets you manage events, conversions, and audiences?
(이벤트, 전환, 잠재고객 설정은 어느 메뉴에서 하는지 묻는 문제)
• Advertising
• Explore
★ Configure
• Admin
8. How many days does it take for a property to be permanently deleted once you have deleted it from your Google Analytics account?
(속성 삭제 후 35일후 영구 삭제)
• 60
• 14
• 7
★ 35
9. If you delete a property from your Google Analytics account, how many days do you have until the property is permanently deleted?
• 14
• 60
★ 35
• 7
10. You decide to advertise online in a few different places to drive traffic to your website. You're in your Google Analytics 4 property and are interested in how these various ads work together on the path to conversions. In this case, where can you find the “Conversion paths" report in your Google Analytics 4 property?
(전환 경로는 탐색 분석, 경로 탐색 분석으로 제작 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.7 경로 탐색 분석)
• Configure
• Reports
• Advertising
★ Explore
11. Which of these structures represents a Google Analytics account's hierarchy?
(GA4 저장 구조 문제 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 3.1 계정, 속성, 보기)
• Property > Account > Data stream
• Property > Data stream > Account
• Data stream > Account > Property
★ Account > Property > Data stream
12. Which section would you open in your Google Analytics property in order to find advanced techniques that can help you uncover deeper insights about your
customers’ engagement?
(고급 기술이라고 했으므로 탐색 분석)
• Reports
★ Explore
• Advertising
• Configure
13. You are looking for advanced techniques that go beyond the standard reports to help you uncover deeper insights about your customers' engagement.
Which section would you open in your Google Analytics property?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ Explore
• Advertising
• Configure
• Reports
14. What's a key difference between Google Analytics 4 properties and Universal Analytics properties?
(GA4의 기본은 이벤트, 세션 범위 개념 사라짐 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.3 이벤트 개념 한방에 잡기)
• Google Analytics 4 properties use "sessions" as the foundation for data collection and reporting, while Universal Analytics uses "dimensions" as the foundation for data collection and reporting.
• Google Analytics 4 properties use "dimensions" as the foundation for data collection and reporting, while Universal Analytics uses "events" as the foundation for data collection and reporting.
★ Google Analytics 4 properties use "events" as the foundation for data collection and reporting, while Universal Analytics uses "sessions" as the foundation for data collection and reporting.
• Google Analytics 4 properties use "sessions" as the foundation for data collection and reporting, while Universal Analytics uses "events" as the foundation for data collection and reporting.
15. You manage a gardening company and you post a new how-to video on your
website for your customers. In Google Analytics you find lots of data about the
user interactions with this video.
(사용자 속성이 무엇인지 묻는 문제 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 GA4 사용자 속성)
While looking through your data, which of these is a “user property" collected by
Google Analytics?
• Name of the video users can watch on your site
• How many users opened the page containing the video on your site
★ The language preference of users watching the video on your site
• How many users watched the video on your site
16. You manage a company that installs swimming pools. You post a new how-to-video on your website about proper pool maintenance. Google Analytics has a lot of data about user interactions with this video.
Which of these choices is a "user property" collected by Google Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• How many users opened the page containing the video on your site
★ The language preference of users watching the video on your site
• Name of the video users can watch on your site
• How many users watched the video on your site
17. What data does the Realtime report how?
(실시간 보고서는 30분 내 데이터를 보여줌 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.5 GA4 실시간 보고서)
★ Events that took place within the last 30 minutes
• Events that took place within the last 8 hours
• Events that took place within the last 12 hours
• Events that took place within the last 60 minutes
18. If you were using last-click attribution and wanted to see how channels and campaigns would be valued under first-click attribution, which report would you look at to find this insight?
(기여 분석, 모델 비교 메뉴에서 가능)
★ Model comparison
• Conversion paths
• Funnel exploration
• Segment overlap
19. Which of these platforms can be connected to Analytics so that you can test
variants of your web pages with specifically tailored audiences?
(잠재 고객 테스트는 옵티마이즈로 가능)
• Search Console
★ Google Optimize
• Firebase
• Modify event
20. Which of these Analytics 360 features would you use to filter data and create a new
data set for a specific use case or audience?
(모호한 질문, 다만 360에서만 쓸 수 있는 것은 보조 속성 그리고 롤업 속성. 롤업은 속성 통합과 관련되어 있으므로 질문의 답은 보조 속성이 답)
★ Subproperties
• Data streams
• Roll-up properties
• Organizations
21. Which Analytics 360 feature allows you to filter data and create a new data set needed for a specific audience or use case?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Data streams
★ Subproperties
• Organizations
• Roll-up properties
22. You want to start collecting and reporting insights in Google Analytics for your
What do you need to implement in order to start collecting and sending this data ho
Google Analytics?
(데이터 수집을 위해 필요한 것 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 2.1 구글 애널리틱스 데이터 수집 원리)
• Analytics SDK
• Firebase SDK
• Google Ads
★ Analytics tag
23. You have a website and want to start gathering and reporting insights for it in Google Analytics. What should you set up first?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Google Ads
• Firebase SDK
★ Analytics tag
• Analytics SDK
24. After exporting Google Analytics data to BigQuery, what new opportunity do you have to use your data?
(빅쿼리는 SQL 문법을 사용할 수 있음. - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.1 GA4의 특징)
• You can access app-specific reports such as crash data, notification effectiveness, and deep-link
• You can use audiences to target website experiments and test variants of your web pages
★ You can use SQL to query your data to answer questions and gain insights into your products, users,and channels
• You can use conversions for ad campaign bidding, and audiences to target ad campaigns
25. If you wanted to gain insight into the traffic to your retail website, which dimension
would you look at to determine whether it was coming from “organic search,” "referral,” or other places?
(해당 정보는 기본 채널 그룹핑에서 확인 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.5 GA4 보고서)
• Google Ads campaign
★ Default channel grouping
• Page title
• Event name
26. Which Google Analytics feature relies on machine learning for measuring conversions that can’t be spotted through direct observation?
(전환 예측치는 머신러닝을 통해 계산됨)
★ Conversion modeling
• Conversion paths
• Conversion window
• Conversion events
27. Which of these Google Analytics features relies on machine learning to measure conversions that you can't directly observe?
★ Conversion modeling
• Conversion events
• Conversion paths
• Conversion window
28. If you had an event on your website triggered by a user watching a video, which of
these definitions could be considered an example event parameter.
(비디오 시청 시 갖을 수 있는 매개 변수는 비디오 이름이 타당해 보임)
• How many users viewed a video on your site
• The devices users are on when watching a video on your site
• How many users opened the page containing a video on your site
★ Name of a video watched on your site
29. You created a new option for your users to sign up for a newsletter on your website. You'd like to mark those new sign-up events as conversions, and create a new audience for those users who signed up.
Where in your Google Analytics 4 property can you manage your events, conversions, and audiences?
(구성 메뉴에서 전환, 잠재 고객, 이벤트 관리함 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4 7.4 GA4 사용자 화면)
• Admin
• Advertising
• Explore
★ Configure
30. You've created a new path exploration in Explore to gain insight into the top pages that new users open after opening your home page. You're interested in sharing your findings with your colleague. By default, who can see the exploration you just created?
(최초 제작은 나만, 이후에는 읽기 권한으로 접근 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.7 자유형식)
• Anyone in your property can access it and make edits.
• Anyone in your property can access it in read-only mode.
★ Only you can see it, but you can share it with the other users of the property in read-only mode.
• Only you can see it, but you can share it with the other users of the property for them to make edits.
31. Which features lets you set the amount of time that event-level and user-level data is stored by Google Analytics?
(데이터 유지 기간 세팅에 대한 질문)
• Disable data collection
• IP address settings
★ Data retention period
• Consent Mode
32. Which of these features lets you control how long user-level and event-level data is stored by Google Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ Data retention period
• IP address settings
• Consent Mode
• Disable data collection
33. Which Analytics 360 feature allows you to create a new data set with a broad view of your business across products, brands, or regions by combining data from multiple source properties?
(360에만 있는 기능으로 롤업 프로퍼티를 설명 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 1.5 구글 애널리틱스 버전 별 비교)
• Data streams
• Organizations
• Subproperties
★ Roll-up properties
34. If you wanted to create a new data set with a wide view of your business across brands, products, or regions by combining data from multiple-source properties, which Analytics 360 feature would you use?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ Roll-up properties
• Data streams
• Subproperties
• Organizations
35. Which of these describes how conversion events from Google Analytics can be used in Google Ads when they are linked together?
(전환은 애즈 광고 입찰 데이터로 활용될 수 있음)
★ Google Ads can use these conversions to optimize your bids for ad placements
• Google Ads can use these conversions to see industry benchmarking data
• Google Ads can use these conversions to adjust and optimize your ad copy
• Google Ads can use these conversions to generate new keyword ideas
36. When Google Analytics and Google ads are linked, how can Google Ads utilize conversion events from Google Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Google Ads can use these conversions to generate new keyword ideas
★ Google Ads can use these conversions to optimize your bids for ad placements
• Google Ads can use these conversions to see industry benchmarking data
• Google Ads can use these conversions to adjust and optimize your ad copy
37. Which of these sections of Google Analytics Reports provides insights into where users are coming from (e.g., social media) before visiting your website?
(사용자가 어디서 유입되었는지는 획득 보고서에 분석 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.5 획득 보고서)
• Engagement
★ Acquisition
• Monetization
• Demographics
38. Users are finding and visiting your website from a variety of different places, including search engine results and social media.
Which section within Reports in Google Analytics can give you insight into where your users are coming from before visiting your website?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Demographics
• Engagement
★ Acquisition
• Monetization
39. You have already set up your web data stream and data is flowing into your Google Analytics property from your website.
You notice that enhanced measurement is enabled for the web data stream. What happens when this setting is enabled?
(향상된 측정 기능이 활성화되면 별도 수정없이 추가 이벤트가 저장됨 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.3 이벤트 종류)
★ Additional events are collected from your website without you needing to change your website's code
• Events can be associated with signed-in users to enable cross-device reporting
• Conversion reporting for the web data stream uses machine learning to distributes credit across
• Events from your mobile app can be combined with your existing website data
40. You're setting up your web data stream so that your website is feeding your Google Analytics property with data. While setting up this web data stream, what happens when you leave the enhanced measurement setting enabled?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Conversion reporting for the web data stream uses machine learning to distributes credit across channels
• Events can be associated with signed-in users to enable cross-device reporting
• Events from your mobile app can be combined with your existing website data
★ Additional events are collected from your website without you needing to change your website's code
41. You work for an online vintage clothing retailer and store data about each of your sales items offline.
Which of these features allows you to upload a CSV file containing item data you want to join with Analytics data?
(데이터 가져오기 기능에 대해 묻는 내용 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 4.2 보기 설정)
• HTTP request
★ Data import
• Measurement Protocol
• Modify event
42. If you wanted to analyze user journeys across a website and an app and see how new users were arriving at both which of these techniques should you use for insights?
(GA4는 웹, 앱 혼합 분석에 특화)
• Google Optimize
★ Google Analytics 4 properties
• Universal Analytics properties
• Google Marketing Platform
43. If you're a business owner that wants to analyze how users arrive at your website and app, as well as the user journeys across both of these platforms, what should you use to generate insights?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ Google Analytics 4 properties
• Google Optimize
• Google Marketing Platform
• Universal Analytics properties
44. You generate a report to show how many users are coming from various device types, like computers and mobile phones, over the past 30 days. In this report, which of these is a ‘metric’ in Google Analytics?
(측정 항목은 셀 수 있어야 한다. 모바일 폰 사용자 수 : 모두의 구글애널리틱스4 , 3.3 측정 기준과 측정 항목)
• The date range setting for the last 30 days
• The device types, desktops and mobile phones
★ How many users were on mobile phones
• Where users came from before reaching your site
45. To understand how many users are coming from various devices, like computers or mobile phones, you run a report that shows this data, per device, over the past 30 days.
In this report, which of these is considered a "metric" in Google Analytics?
• The device types, desktops and mobile phones
• Where users came from before reaching your site
★ How many users were on mobile phones
• The date range setting for the last 30 days
46. You generate a report to show how many users are coming from various device types, like desktops and mobile phones, over the past 30 days.
In this report, what is device type?
(기기 종류는 GA4의 측정 기준에 해당 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.5 기술 보고서)
• A metric
• An event
★ A dimension
• A user
47. You create a report to show the types of devices users have been coming from over the past 30 days - whether they were on desktops or mobile phones, for example.
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
In this report, what is device type?
• An event
• A user
★ A dimension
• A metric
48. What do audience triggers allow you to do?
(조건을 만족하는 이벤트를 제작할 수 있다)
• Create new audiences based on predictive metrics
• Create new events based on existing event parameters
★ Create new events based on an audience rule being satisfied
• Create new audiences based on specific events that are triggered
49. What can you do with audience triggers?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Create new audiences based on predictive metrics
• Create new audiences based on specific events that are triggered
• Create new events based on existing event parameters
★ Create new events based on an audience rule being satisfied
50. How can Google Ads use audiences from Google Analytics when the two are linked?
(잠재 고객은 GA4와 애즈에서 연계 캠페인 가능, 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 8.3 구글 애즈 캠페인)
• Audiences in Google Ads can be used to see industry benchmarking data
• Audiences in Google Ads can be used to adjust geotargeting of ad campaigns
★ Audiences in Google Ads can be used to target ad campaigns
• Audiences in Google Ads can be contacted for customer research
51. What can Google Ads do with audiences from Google Analytics when these two services are linked?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Audiences in Google Ads can be contacted for customer research
• Audiences in Google Ads can be used to adjust geotargeting of ad campaigns
• Audiences in Google Ads can be used to see industry benchmarking data
★ Audiences in Google Ads can be used to target ad campaigns
52. You want to create new audiences for your eCommerce site by segmenting users according to parameters that make sense for your business, like those who've made a purchase.
Which of these approaches would provide you with a predictive audience?
(구매 가능한 잠재 고객을 조건을 통해 제작, 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 GA4 잠재 고객)
• You create an audience of users who started checking out but didn't complete the purchase
★ You create an audience of users who are likely to purchase in the next seven days
• You create an audience of users who added items to their purchase wishlist
• You create an audience of users who made a purchase in the last 30 days
53. You've created a Google Analytics 4 property for your website and mobile app. As
users engage with your website and app, how does Google Analytics measure and
report distinct user interactions?
(GA4는 이벤트 기반)
• As hits
• As sessions
• As views
★ As events
54. Your website visitors already trigger the page_view event when they view any page on your site, but you want to define a new event to trigger when visitors land on a specific page, like the homepage. When you navigate to Events in the Google Analytics interface, which option can you choose to define this homepage view event?
(신규 이벤트 제작 개념 질문)
• Modify event
★ Create event
• Import event
• Mark event as conversion
55. What if you wanted to define a new event to trigger when visitors land on a particular page (e.g., the homepage)? Once you've navigated to Events in the Google Analytics interface, which option would you choose to make this happen?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Import event
★ Create event
• Modify event
• Mark event as conversion
56. If you want to analyze events and users across your business's website, as well as its separate apps for iOS and Android — how should you set up your account?
(교차 분석을 위해서 분리된 웹/아이폰/안드로이드에 대한 속성 개념 질문)
• One property with a web data stream for your website and one property with an app data stream for your app
★ One property with one web data stream for your website and two app data streams, one for iOS and the other for Android
• One property with a web data stream for your website and one property with two app data streams, one for iOS and the other for Android
• One property with one web data stream for your website and one app data stream for your app
57. You run a small company that has a website as well as an app for iOS and an app for Android. If your objective is to analyze events and users across all three of these, how should you set up your account?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ One property with one web data stream for your website and two app data streams, one for iOS and the other for Android
• One property with a web data stream for your website and one property with two app data streams, one for iOS and the other for Android
• One property with a web data stream for your website and one property with an app data stream for your app
• One property with one web data stream for your website and one app data stream for your app
58. If you managed a blog that featured multiple different writers, what could you use to report the relevant writer's name on each article page?
(맞춤 측정 기준에 제작에 대한 질문 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 GA4 맞춤 측정 기준)
• Custom metric
★ Custom dimension
• Custom table
• Custom user parameter
59. You are the managing editor of a blog that features several contributing writers.
What could you use to report the writer's name on each article page?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Custom metric
• Custom user parameter
• Custom table
★ Custom dimension
60. If you wanted a custom dimension that report membership status for a customer rewards program, which of these scopes would be set?
(멤버십 상태는 사용자 수준의 범위를 사용해야 함 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 GA4 사용자 속성)
• Session
• Product
★ User
• Event
61. When enabled, which Analytics feature associates event data it collects from users on their website or app with the Google accounts of signed-in users who have consented to sharing this information?
(기능 활성화 시, 동의한 고객의 식별 정보를 획득하는 것은 구글 시그널 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 4.1 속성 설정)
• Google Ads
★ Google signals
• User-ID
• Google Search Console
62. If you've enabled Ads Personalization for your property but want to exclude specific events, what happens to the data for those events?
(광고 설정은 했지만 특정 이벤트는 제외하면 GA4는 해당 이벤트는 분석 용도로만 사용함)
• That data will only be available in the Advertising section
• That data will only be available in the Reports and Explore sections
★ That data will only be used for measurement purposes
• That data will only be used for audiences in Google Ads
63. You're asked to set up a data stream in accordance with setting up Google Analytics.
What is a data stream?
(데이터 스트림에 대해 묻는 문제 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.1 GA4의 특징)
★ A data stream lives within a property and is a source of data from your app or website
• A data stream lives within Reports and lets you segment and compare your data
• A data stream lives within Explore and, once defined, can be added to any exploration
• A data stream lives within an account and is the container for the data you collect from your apps and sites
64. Which of these definitions describe a data stream as it relates to Google Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• A data stream lives within an account and is the container for the data you collect from your apps and sites
• A data stream lives within Reports and lets you segment and compare your data
★ A data stream lives within a property and is a source of data from your app or website
• A data stream lives within Explore and, once defined, can be added to any exploration
65. You are in your Google Analytics property's Explore section. What exploration technique should you use in order to customize metrics and dimensions in table format?
(테이블 포맷 분석은 탐색 분석 자유 형식의 기본 포맷 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.7 자유형식)
• Cohort explorations
• Funnel exploration
★ Free form
• Segment overlap
66. You are in the Explore section of your Google Analytics property and would like to customize metrics and dimensions in a table format.
Which exploration technique should you use?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Funnel exploration
★ Free form
• Segment overlap
• Cohort explorations
67. You create a report to show the types of devices users have been coming from over the past 30 days — whether they were on desktops or mobile phones, for example.
In this report, what is device type?
• An event
• A user
★ A dimension
• A metric
68. You want to seq the steps your users take toward key conversion. Which exploration technique lets you visualize the steps users take toward a key task or conversion and see how well they are succeeding or failing at each step?
(단계에 따른 분석은 유입 경로 탐색 분석 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.7 유입 경로 탐색 분석)
★ Funnel exploration
• Segment overlap
• Free form
• Cohort explorations
69. If you wanted to see the steps your users take to reach a key task or conversion, which exploration technique would you use to visualize those steps and see how well they are succeeding or failing at each step?
★ Funnel exploration
• Free form
• Cohort explorations
• Segment overlap
70. This Analytics feature allows you to connect individual customers’ behavior across various interactions on different platforms and devices by letting you associate your own identifiers with your individual customers.
(다양한 플랫폼에 대한 교차 분석은 유저 ID로 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 4.1 속성 설정)
★ User-ID
• Predictive audiences
• Audience triggers
• Device-ID
71. If your goal was to connect individual customers' behavior across different interactions on different platforms and devices, which Analytics feature allows you to do that by associating your own identifiers with individual customers?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Device-ID
• Audience triggers
• Predictive audiences
★ User-ID
72. You want to find readymade cards that address typical questions about how users
are interacting with your app or website]Which section do you go to in order to find
(탐색 분석 메뉴에 대한 질문 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.7 GA4 탐색 분석)
★ Explore
• Configure
• Admin
• Reports
73. To get insights into the organic search queries that are leading users to your website, you can connect Analytics with which platform?
(구글 검색 키워드는 서치 콘솔 연결로 분석 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 8.1 우리 서비스 현황 분석하기)
• Google Ads
• Google Optimize
• Search Ads 360
★ Search Console
74. If you wanted to gain insights into the organic search queries that are taking users to your website, which platform should you connect with Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ Search Console
• Search Ads 362
• Google Ads
• Google Optimize
75. You want to see detailed marketing campaign data by linking a new Google Ads account to your Google Analytics property.
Where in your Google Analytics 4 property can you manage product links such as this one with Google Ads?
(구글 애즈 연결은 관리 메뉴에서 설정)
★ Admin
• Advertising
• Explore
• Configure
76. There's a section of Google Analytics that includes cards answering common questions about how users interact with your app or website. Which section is it?
(사용자에 대한 일반적 답변이 가능한 것은 기본 보고서)
• Admin
• Configure
★ Reports
• Explore
77. You want to know how various ads you've placed work together on the path to conversions.
Where in your Google Analytics 4 property can you find the "Conversion paths" report?
(전환 경로를 확인할 수 있는 메뉴 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 광고)
• Reports
• Configure
★ Advertising
• Explore
78. Which attribution model spreads credit for a conversion across different touchpoints through the use of machine learning algorithms?
(머신 러닝 알고리즘을 이용한 것은 데이터 기반 모델 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 광고)
• Last click
• First click
• Time decay
★ Data-driven
79. If you wanted to link a new Google Ads account to your Google Analytics property in order to see detailed marketing campaign data, where in your Google Analytics 4
property would you go to manage this process?
(구글 애즈 연결은 어드민 메뉴에서 작업)
★ Admin
• Explore
• Configure
• Advertising
80. Which attribution model distributes the credit for a conversion equally across the channels a customer clicked or engaged with before converting?
(모든 채널에 균등 기여 부여하는 모델은 선형 모델 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 광고)
★ Linear
• Data-driven
• Time decay
• Position-based
81. One of these attribution models distributes the credit for a conversion equally across all the channels a customer clicked or engaged with before converting. Which is it?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Data-driven
• Time decay
• Position-based
★ Linear
82. You're using Google Analytics for your website. In which situation could you use the Engagement overview report?
(질문 모호, 참여 개요 보고서 자체는 사용자가 어떤 화면이나 페이지에서 활동을 했나를 주로 보여줌)
• You're interested in seeing where users are coming from before landing on your website.
• You'd like insight into your users’ interests they've express through their online browsing and purchase activities.
★ You're interested in seeing which pages on your site are getting the most traffic.
• You're interested in monitoring user activity as it is happening on your site.
83. In which of these situations could you use the Engagement overview report in Google Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• You're interested in monitoring user activity as it is happening on your site.
• You'd like insight into your users' interests they've express through their online browsing and purchase activities.
★ You're interested in seeing which pages on your site are getting the most traffic.
• You're interested in seeing where users are coming from before landing on your website.
#시험 #응시방법 #기출문제 #문제은행 #GA4 #자격증
Google Analytics Certification 기출 문제와 간단한 풀이를 제공합니다.
본 문서에 정리된 다수의 문제들은 ‘모두의 구글애널리틱스4’에서 설명하고 있습니다.
책을 통해 먼저 학습하고 본인이 얼마나 알고 있는지 테스트하는 자료로 사용하시기 바랍니다.
1. Which of the following tools could you use in order to collect and send data from a
mobile app to a Google Analytics 4 property?
(GA4에서 앱 수집은 파이어 베이스를 통해 제작 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.1 GA4의 특징)
★ Firebase SDK
• Google Marketing Platform
• Google Ads
• Website tag
2. You would like to export your Google Analytics data to BigQuery to run queries and ombine some of your offline data with Analytics data. What type of Analytics property can export data to BigQuery?
(빅쿼리로 데이터 전달은 GA4 스탠다드와 GA4 360이 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 1.5 구글 애널리틱스 버전별 비교)
• Only Analytics 360 properties in GA4 or Universal Analytics
★ Standard or Analytics 360 properties using GA4
• Standard or Analytics 360 properties using Universal Analytics
• Only Standard properties in GA4 or Universal Analytics
3. You want to run queries and combine some of your offline data with Analytics data. To do so, you want to export your Google Analytics data to BigQuery.
What Analytics properties are able to export data to BigQuery?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Only Standard properties in GA4 or Universal Analytics
• Only Analytics 360 properties in GA4 or Universal Analytics
• Standard or Analytics 360 properties using Universal Analytics
• Standard or Analytics 360 properties using GA4
4. You collect data or your point-of-sale system that could complement the data you
are sending to Google Analytics from your website and app.
Which of these features allows you to collect and send events directly to Google
Analytics servers?
(구글 애널리틱스 서버로 데이터를 보내는 것은 측정 프로토콜)
• Modify event
★ Measurement Protocol
• HTTP request
• Data import
5. You have many events on your website that are very valuable, like when users purchase items or sign up for your newsletter. You would like to mark these events as important and assign a value to these events when they happen.
What should you mark these events as in your Google Analytics 4 property?
(주요 이벤트로 설정하려면 전환 이벤트를 사용 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 GA4 전환 이벤트)
★ Conversion events
• Custom events
• Goals
• Recommended events
6. If you want to designate these events as important and assign them a value, how should you label these events in your Google Analytics 4 property?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Goals
★ Conversion events
• Recommended events
• Custom events
7. You've just set up an option on your website for your users to sign up for a newsletter. You want to count those new sign-up events as conversions and create an audience for users who signed up.
Which part of your Google Analytics 4 property lets you manage events, conversions, and audiences?
(이벤트, 전환, 잠재고객 설정은 어느 메뉴에서 하는지 묻는 문제)
• Advertising
• Explore
★ Configure
• Admin
8. How many days does it take for a property to be permanently deleted once you have deleted it from your Google Analytics account?
(속성 삭제 후 35일후 영구 삭제)
• 60
• 14
• 7
★ 35
9. If you delete a property from your Google Analytics account, how many days do you have until the property is permanently deleted?
• 14
• 60
★ 35
• 7
10. You decide to advertise online in a few different places to drive traffic to your website. You're in your Google Analytics 4 property and are interested in how these various ads work together on the path to conversions. In this case, where can you find the “Conversion paths" report in your Google Analytics 4 property?
(전환 경로는 탐색 분석, 경로 탐색 분석으로 제작 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.7 경로 탐색 분석)
• Configure
• Reports
• Advertising
★ Explore
11. Which of these structures represents a Google Analytics account's hierarchy?
(GA4 저장 구조 문제 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 3.1 계정, 속성, 보기)
• Property > Account > Data stream
• Property > Data stream > Account
• Data stream > Account > Property
★ Account > Property > Data stream
12. Which section would you open in your Google Analytics property in order to find advanced techniques that can help you uncover deeper insights about your
customers’ engagement?
(고급 기술이라고 했으므로 탐색 분석)
• Reports
★ Explore
• Advertising
• Configure
13. You are looking for advanced techniques that go beyond the standard reports to help you uncover deeper insights about your customers' engagement.
Which section would you open in your Google Analytics property?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ Explore
• Advertising
• Configure
• Reports
14. What's a key difference between Google Analytics 4 properties and Universal Analytics properties?
(GA4의 기본은 이벤트, 세션 범위 개념 사라짐 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.3 이벤트 개념 한방에 잡기)
• Google Analytics 4 properties use "sessions" as the foundation for data collection and reporting, while Universal Analytics uses "dimensions" as the foundation for data collection and reporting.
• Google Analytics 4 properties use "dimensions" as the foundation for data collection and reporting, while Universal Analytics uses "events" as the foundation for data collection and reporting.
★ Google Analytics 4 properties use "events" as the foundation for data collection and reporting, while Universal Analytics uses "sessions" as the foundation for data collection and reporting.
• Google Analytics 4 properties use "sessions" as the foundation for data collection and reporting, while Universal Analytics uses "events" as the foundation for data collection and reporting.
15. You manage a gardening company and you post a new how-to video on your
website for your customers. In Google Analytics you find lots of data about the
user interactions with this video.
(사용자 속성이 무엇인지 묻는 문제 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 GA4 사용자 속성)
While looking through your data, which of these is a “user property" collected by
Google Analytics?
• Name of the video users can watch on your site
• How many users opened the page containing the video on your site
★ The language preference of users watching the video on your site
• How many users watched the video on your site
16. You manage a company that installs swimming pools. You post a new how-to-video on your website about proper pool maintenance. Google Analytics has a lot of data about user interactions with this video.
Which of these choices is a "user property" collected by Google Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• How many users opened the page containing the video on your site
★ The language preference of users watching the video on your site
• Name of the video users can watch on your site
• How many users watched the video on your site
17. What data does the Realtime report how?
(실시간 보고서는 30분 내 데이터를 보여줌 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.5 GA4 실시간 보고서)
★ Events that took place within the last 30 minutes
• Events that took place within the last 8 hours
• Events that took place within the last 12 hours
• Events that took place within the last 60 minutes
18. If you were using last-click attribution and wanted to see how channels and campaigns would be valued under first-click attribution, which report would you look at to find this insight?
(기여 분석, 모델 비교 메뉴에서 가능)
★ Model comparison
• Conversion paths
• Funnel exploration
• Segment overlap
19. Which of these platforms can be connected to Analytics so that you can test
variants of your web pages with specifically tailored audiences?
(잠재 고객 테스트는 옵티마이즈로 가능)
• Search Console
★ Google Optimize
• Firebase
• Modify event
20. Which of these Analytics 360 features would you use to filter data and create a new
data set for a specific use case or audience?
(모호한 질문, 다만 360에서만 쓸 수 있는 것은 보조 속성 그리고 롤업 속성. 롤업은 속성 통합과 관련되어 있으므로 질문의 답은 보조 속성이 답)
★ Subproperties
• Data streams
• Roll-up properties
• Organizations
21. Which Analytics 360 feature allows you to filter data and create a new data set needed for a specific audience or use case?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Data streams
★ Subproperties
• Organizations
• Roll-up properties
22. You want to start collecting and reporting insights in Google Analytics for your
What do you need to implement in order to start collecting and sending this data ho
Google Analytics?
(데이터 수집을 위해 필요한 것 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 2.1 구글 애널리틱스 데이터 수집 원리)
• Analytics SDK
• Firebase SDK
• Google Ads
★ Analytics tag
23. You have a website and want to start gathering and reporting insights for it in Google Analytics. What should you set up first?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Google Ads
• Firebase SDK
★ Analytics tag
• Analytics SDK
24. After exporting Google Analytics data to BigQuery, what new opportunity do you have to use your data?
(빅쿼리는 SQL 문법을 사용할 수 있음. - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.1 GA4의 특징)
• You can access app-specific reports such as crash data, notification effectiveness, and deep-link
• You can use audiences to target website experiments and test variants of your web pages
★ You can use SQL to query your data to answer questions and gain insights into your products, users,and channels
• You can use conversions for ad campaign bidding, and audiences to target ad campaigns
25. If you wanted to gain insight into the traffic to your retail website, which dimension
would you look at to determine whether it was coming from “organic search,” "referral,” or other places?
(해당 정보는 기본 채널 그룹핑에서 확인 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.5 GA4 보고서)
• Google Ads campaign
★ Default channel grouping
• Page title
• Event name
26. Which Google Analytics feature relies on machine learning for measuring conversions that can’t be spotted through direct observation?
(전환 예측치는 머신러닝을 통해 계산됨)
★ Conversion modeling
• Conversion paths
• Conversion window
• Conversion events
27. Which of these Google Analytics features relies on machine learning to measure conversions that you can't directly observe?
★ Conversion modeling
• Conversion events
• Conversion paths
• Conversion window
28. If you had an event on your website triggered by a user watching a video, which of
these definitions could be considered an example event parameter.
(비디오 시청 시 갖을 수 있는 매개 변수는 비디오 이름이 타당해 보임)
• How many users viewed a video on your site
• The devices users are on when watching a video on your site
• How many users opened the page containing a video on your site
★ Name of a video watched on your site
29. You created a new option for your users to sign up for a newsletter on your website. You'd like to mark those new sign-up events as conversions, and create a new audience for those users who signed up.
Where in your Google Analytics 4 property can you manage your events, conversions, and audiences?
(구성 메뉴에서 전환, 잠재 고객, 이벤트 관리함 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4 7.4 GA4 사용자 화면)
• Admin
• Advertising
• Explore
★ Configure
30. You've created a new path exploration in Explore to gain insight into the top pages that new users open after opening your home page. You're interested in sharing your findings with your colleague. By default, who can see the exploration you just created?
(최초 제작은 나만, 이후에는 읽기 권한으로 접근 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.7 자유형식)
• Anyone in your property can access it and make edits.
• Anyone in your property can access it in read-only mode.
★ Only you can see it, but you can share it with the other users of the property in read-only mode.
• Only you can see it, but you can share it with the other users of the property for them to make edits.
31. Which features lets you set the amount of time that event-level and user-level data is stored by Google Analytics?
(데이터 유지 기간 세팅에 대한 질문)
• Disable data collection
• IP address settings
★ Data retention period
• Consent Mode
32. Which of these features lets you control how long user-level and event-level data is stored by Google Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ Data retention period
• IP address settings
• Consent Mode
• Disable data collection
33. Which Analytics 360 feature allows you to create a new data set with a broad view of your business across products, brands, or regions by combining data from multiple source properties?
(360에만 있는 기능으로 롤업 프로퍼티를 설명 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 1.5 구글 애널리틱스 버전 별 비교)
• Data streams
• Organizations
• Subproperties
★ Roll-up properties
34. If you wanted to create a new data set with a wide view of your business across brands, products, or regions by combining data from multiple-source properties, which Analytics 360 feature would you use?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ Roll-up properties
• Data streams
• Subproperties
• Organizations
35. Which of these describes how conversion events from Google Analytics can be used in Google Ads when they are linked together?
(전환은 애즈 광고 입찰 데이터로 활용될 수 있음)
★ Google Ads can use these conversions to optimize your bids for ad placements
• Google Ads can use these conversions to see industry benchmarking data
• Google Ads can use these conversions to adjust and optimize your ad copy
• Google Ads can use these conversions to generate new keyword ideas
36. When Google Analytics and Google ads are linked, how can Google Ads utilize conversion events from Google Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Google Ads can use these conversions to generate new keyword ideas
★ Google Ads can use these conversions to optimize your bids for ad placements
• Google Ads can use these conversions to see industry benchmarking data
• Google Ads can use these conversions to adjust and optimize your ad copy
37. Which of these sections of Google Analytics Reports provides insights into where users are coming from (e.g., social media) before visiting your website?
(사용자가 어디서 유입되었는지는 획득 보고서에 분석 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.5 획득 보고서)
• Engagement
★ Acquisition
• Monetization
• Demographics
38. Users are finding and visiting your website from a variety of different places, including search engine results and social media.
Which section within Reports in Google Analytics can give you insight into where your users are coming from before visiting your website?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Demographics
• Engagement
★ Acquisition
• Monetization
39. You have already set up your web data stream and data is flowing into your Google Analytics property from your website.
You notice that enhanced measurement is enabled for the web data stream. What happens when this setting is enabled?
(향상된 측정 기능이 활성화되면 별도 수정없이 추가 이벤트가 저장됨 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.3 이벤트 종류)
★ Additional events are collected from your website without you needing to change your website's code
• Events can be associated with signed-in users to enable cross-device reporting
• Conversion reporting for the web data stream uses machine learning to distributes credit across
• Events from your mobile app can be combined with your existing website data
40. You're setting up your web data stream so that your website is feeding your Google Analytics property with data. While setting up this web data stream, what happens when you leave the enhanced measurement setting enabled?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Conversion reporting for the web data stream uses machine learning to distributes credit across channels
• Events can be associated with signed-in users to enable cross-device reporting
• Events from your mobile app can be combined with your existing website data
★ Additional events are collected from your website without you needing to change your website's code
41. You work for an online vintage clothing retailer and store data about each of your sales items offline.
Which of these features allows you to upload a CSV file containing item data you want to join with Analytics data?
(데이터 가져오기 기능에 대해 묻는 내용 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 4.2 보기 설정)
• HTTP request
★ Data import
• Measurement Protocol
• Modify event
42. If you wanted to analyze user journeys across a website and an app and see how new users were arriving at both which of these techniques should you use for insights?
(GA4는 웹, 앱 혼합 분석에 특화)
• Google Optimize
★ Google Analytics 4 properties
• Universal Analytics properties
• Google Marketing Platform
43. If you're a business owner that wants to analyze how users arrive at your website and app, as well as the user journeys across both of these platforms, what should you use to generate insights?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ Google Analytics 4 properties
• Google Optimize
• Google Marketing Platform
• Universal Analytics properties
44. You generate a report to show how many users are coming from various device types, like computers and mobile phones, over the past 30 days. In this report, which of these is a ‘metric’ in Google Analytics?
(측정 항목은 셀 수 있어야 한다. 모바일 폰 사용자 수 : 모두의 구글애널리틱스4 , 3.3 측정 기준과 측정 항목)
• The date range setting for the last 30 days
• The device types, desktops and mobile phones
★ How many users were on mobile phones
• Where users came from before reaching your site
45. To understand how many users are coming from various devices, like computers or mobile phones, you run a report that shows this data, per device, over the past 30 days.
In this report, which of these is considered a "metric" in Google Analytics?
• The device types, desktops and mobile phones
• Where users came from before reaching your site
★ How many users were on mobile phones
• The date range setting for the last 30 days
46. You generate a report to show how many users are coming from various device types, like desktops and mobile phones, over the past 30 days.
In this report, what is device type?
(기기 종류는 GA4의 측정 기준에 해당 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.5 기술 보고서)
• A metric
• An event
★ A dimension
• A user
47. You create a report to show the types of devices users have been coming from over the past 30 days - whether they were on desktops or mobile phones, for example.
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
In this report, what is device type?
• An event
• A user
★ A dimension
• A metric
48. What do audience triggers allow you to do?
(조건을 만족하는 이벤트를 제작할 수 있다)
• Create new audiences based on predictive metrics
• Create new events based on existing event parameters
★ Create new events based on an audience rule being satisfied
• Create new audiences based on specific events that are triggered
49. What can you do with audience triggers?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Create new audiences based on predictive metrics
• Create new audiences based on specific events that are triggered
• Create new events based on existing event parameters
★ Create new events based on an audience rule being satisfied
50. How can Google Ads use audiences from Google Analytics when the two are linked?
(잠재 고객은 GA4와 애즈에서 연계 캠페인 가능, 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 8.3 구글 애즈 캠페인)
• Audiences in Google Ads can be used to see industry benchmarking data
• Audiences in Google Ads can be used to adjust geotargeting of ad campaigns
★ Audiences in Google Ads can be used to target ad campaigns
• Audiences in Google Ads can be contacted for customer research
51. What can Google Ads do with audiences from Google Analytics when these two services are linked?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Audiences in Google Ads can be contacted for customer research
• Audiences in Google Ads can be used to adjust geotargeting of ad campaigns
• Audiences in Google Ads can be used to see industry benchmarking data
★ Audiences in Google Ads can be used to target ad campaigns
52. You want to create new audiences for your eCommerce site by segmenting users according to parameters that make sense for your business, like those who've made a purchase.
Which of these approaches would provide you with a predictive audience?
(구매 가능한 잠재 고객을 조건을 통해 제작, 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 GA4 잠재 고객)
• You create an audience of users who started checking out but didn't complete the purchase
★ You create an audience of users who are likely to purchase in the next seven days
• You create an audience of users who added items to their purchase wishlist
• You create an audience of users who made a purchase in the last 30 days
53. You've created a Google Analytics 4 property for your website and mobile app. As
users engage with your website and app, how does Google Analytics measure and
report distinct user interactions?
(GA4는 이벤트 기반)
• As hits
• As sessions
• As views
★ As events
54. Your website visitors already trigger the page_view event when they view any page on your site, but you want to define a new event to trigger when visitors land on a specific page, like the homepage. When you navigate to Events in the Google Analytics interface, which option can you choose to define this homepage view event?
(신규 이벤트 제작 개념 질문)
• Modify event
★ Create event
• Import event
• Mark event as conversion
55. What if you wanted to define a new event to trigger when visitors land on a particular page (e.g., the homepage)? Once you've navigated to Events in the Google Analytics interface, which option would you choose to make this happen?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Import event
★ Create event
• Modify event
• Mark event as conversion
56. If you want to analyze events and users across your business's website, as well as its separate apps for iOS and Android — how should you set up your account?
(교차 분석을 위해서 분리된 웹/아이폰/안드로이드에 대한 속성 개념 질문)
• One property with a web data stream for your website and one property with an app data stream for your app
★ One property with one web data stream for your website and two app data streams, one for iOS and the other for Android
• One property with a web data stream for your website and one property with two app data streams, one for iOS and the other for Android
• One property with one web data stream for your website and one app data stream for your app
57. You run a small company that has a website as well as an app for iOS and an app for Android. If your objective is to analyze events and users across all three of these, how should you set up your account?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ One property with one web data stream for your website and two app data streams, one for iOS and the other for Android
• One property with a web data stream for your website and one property with two app data streams, one for iOS and the other for Android
• One property with a web data stream for your website and one property with an app data stream for your app
• One property with one web data stream for your website and one app data stream for your app
58. If you managed a blog that featured multiple different writers, what could you use to report the relevant writer's name on each article page?
(맞춤 측정 기준에 제작에 대한 질문 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 GA4 맞춤 측정 기준)
• Custom metric
★ Custom dimension
• Custom table
• Custom user parameter
59. You are the managing editor of a blog that features several contributing writers.
What could you use to report the writer's name on each article page?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Custom metric
• Custom user parameter
• Custom table
★ Custom dimension
60. If you wanted a custom dimension that report membership status for a customer rewards program, which of these scopes would be set?
(멤버십 상태는 사용자 수준의 범위를 사용해야 함 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 GA4 사용자 속성)
• Session
• Product
★ User
• Event
61. When enabled, which Analytics feature associates event data it collects from users on their website or app with the Google accounts of signed-in users who have consented to sharing this information?
(기능 활성화 시, 동의한 고객의 식별 정보를 획득하는 것은 구글 시그널 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 4.1 속성 설정)
• Google Ads
★ Google signals
• User-ID
• Google Search Console
62. If you've enabled Ads Personalization for your property but want to exclude specific events, what happens to the data for those events?
(광고 설정은 했지만 특정 이벤트는 제외하면 GA4는 해당 이벤트는 분석 용도로만 사용함)
• That data will only be available in the Advertising section
• That data will only be available in the Reports and Explore sections
★ That data will only be used for measurement purposes
• That data will only be used for audiences in Google Ads
63. You're asked to set up a data stream in accordance with setting up Google Analytics.
What is a data stream?
(데이터 스트림에 대해 묻는 문제 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.1 GA4의 특징)
★ A data stream lives within a property and is a source of data from your app or website
• A data stream lives within Reports and lets you segment and compare your data
• A data stream lives within Explore and, once defined, can be added to any exploration
• A data stream lives within an account and is the container for the data you collect from your apps and sites
64. Which of these definitions describe a data stream as it relates to Google Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• A data stream lives within an account and is the container for the data you collect from your apps and sites
• A data stream lives within Reports and lets you segment and compare your data
★ A data stream lives within a property and is a source of data from your app or website
• A data stream lives within Explore and, once defined, can be added to any exploration
65. You are in your Google Analytics property's Explore section. What exploration technique should you use in order to customize metrics and dimensions in table format?
(테이블 포맷 분석은 탐색 분석 자유 형식의 기본 포맷 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.7 자유형식)
• Cohort explorations
• Funnel exploration
★ Free form
• Segment overlap
66. You are in the Explore section of your Google Analytics property and would like to customize metrics and dimensions in a table format.
Which exploration technique should you use?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Funnel exploration
★ Free form
• Segment overlap
• Cohort explorations
67. You create a report to show the types of devices users have been coming from over the past 30 days — whether they were on desktops or mobile phones, for example.
In this report, what is device type?
• An event
• A user
★ A dimension
• A metric
68. You want to seq the steps your users take toward key conversion. Which exploration technique lets you visualize the steps users take toward a key task or conversion and see how well they are succeeding or failing at each step?
(단계에 따른 분석은 유입 경로 탐색 분석 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.7 유입 경로 탐색 분석)
★ Funnel exploration
• Segment overlap
• Free form
• Cohort explorations
69. If you wanted to see the steps your users take to reach a key task or conversion, which exploration technique would you use to visualize those steps and see how well they are succeeding or failing at each step?
★ Funnel exploration
• Free form
• Cohort explorations
• Segment overlap
70. This Analytics feature allows you to connect individual customers’ behavior across various interactions on different platforms and devices by letting you associate your own identifiers with your individual customers.
(다양한 플랫폼에 대한 교차 분석은 유저 ID로 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 4.1 속성 설정)
★ User-ID
• Predictive audiences
• Audience triggers
• Device-ID
71. If your goal was to connect individual customers' behavior across different interactions on different platforms and devices, which Analytics feature allows you to do that by associating your own identifiers with individual customers?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Device-ID
• Audience triggers
• Predictive audiences
★ User-ID
72. You want to find readymade cards that address typical questions about how users
are interacting with your app or website]Which section do you go to in order to find
(탐색 분석 메뉴에 대한 질문 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.7 GA4 탐색 분석)
★ Explore
• Configure
• Admin
• Reports
73. To get insights into the organic search queries that are leading users to your website, you can connect Analytics with which platform?
(구글 검색 키워드는 서치 콘솔 연결로 분석 가능 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 8.1 우리 서비스 현황 분석하기)
• Google Ads
• Google Optimize
• Search Ads 360
★ Search Console
74. If you wanted to gain insights into the organic search queries that are taking users to your website, which platform should you connect with Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
★ Search Console
• Search Ads 362
• Google Ads
• Google Optimize
75. You want to see detailed marketing campaign data by linking a new Google Ads account to your Google Analytics property.
Where in your Google Analytics 4 property can you manage product links such as this one with Google Ads?
(구글 애즈 연결은 관리 메뉴에서 설정)
★ Admin
• Advertising
• Explore
• Configure
76. There's a section of Google Analytics that includes cards answering common questions about how users interact with your app or website. Which section is it?
(사용자에 대한 일반적 답변이 가능한 것은 기본 보고서)
• Admin
• Configure
★ Reports
• Explore
77. You want to know how various ads you've placed work together on the path to conversions.
Where in your Google Analytics 4 property can you find the "Conversion paths" report?
(전환 경로를 확인할 수 있는 메뉴 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 광고)
• Reports
• Configure
★ Advertising
• Explore
78. Which attribution model spreads credit for a conversion across different touchpoints through the use of machine learning algorithms?
(머신 러닝 알고리즘을 이용한 것은 데이터 기반 모델 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 광고)
• Last click
• First click
• Time decay
★ Data-driven
79. If you wanted to link a new Google Ads account to your Google Analytics property in order to see detailed marketing campaign data, where in your Google Analytics 4
property would you go to manage this process?
(구글 애즈 연결은 어드민 메뉴에서 작업)
★ Admin
• Explore
• Configure
• Advertising
80. Which attribution model distributes the credit for a conversion equally across the channels a customer clicked or engaged with before converting?
(모든 채널에 균등 기여 부여하는 모델은 선형 모델 - 모두의 구글 애널리틱스4, 7.6 광고)
★ Linear
• Data-driven
• Time decay
• Position-based
81. One of these attribution models distributes the credit for a conversion equally across all the channels a customer clicked or engaged with before converting. Which is it?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• Data-driven
• Time decay
• Position-based
★ Linear
82. You're using Google Analytics for your website. In which situation could you use the Engagement overview report?
(질문 모호, 참여 개요 보고서 자체는 사용자가 어떤 화면이나 페이지에서 활동을 했나를 주로 보여줌)
• You're interested in seeing where users are coming from before landing on your website.
• You'd like insight into your users’ interests they've express through their online browsing and purchase activities.
★ You're interested in seeing which pages on your site are getting the most traffic.
• You're interested in monitoring user activity as it is happening on your site.
83. In which of these situations could you use the Engagement overview report in Google Analytics?
(앞 문제와 유사 문제)
• You're interested in monitoring user activity as it is happening on your site.
• You'd like insight into your users' interests they've express through their online browsing and purchase activities.
★ You're interested in seeing which pages on your site are getting the most traffic.
• You're interested in seeing where users are coming from before landing on your website.
#시험 #응시방법 #기출문제 #문제은행 #GA4 #자격증